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克鲁勃润滑脂 KLUBER润滑油
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  万润商城--克鲁勃润滑脂,LUBE润滑油脂,摩力克润滑脂,OKS亚米茄润滑脂 >> 商城新闻
克鲁勃KLUBER食品级润滑脂,世界食品级安全标准 发布人:ADMIN 浏览 354 次 发布时间:2014年8月7日 打印本页

在制药行业,制造业根据GMP(良好生产规范)是常规标准。在一个审计,如果你想证明符合GMP指南,你需要认证的产品。我们因此开发了特殊的润滑剂的制药行业是由美国国家卫生基金会(NSF)注册为H1的产品。和我们使用的制造工厂H1润滑剂是根据国际标准ISO 21469认证。因此我们的专业润滑油支持您在全球范围内的GMP指南。与H1润滑油由Kluber润滑你安全起见在任何审计。

Klubersynth UH1 14-1600
Klubersynth UH1 64-62
Klubersynth UH1 14-151
Kluber HTS 润滑脂


Production according to GMP
The manufacture of pharmaceutical products is subject to particularly strict requirements as it is of crucial importance to avoid contamination. Therefore, you should opt for our special lubricants which are H1 registered, ISO 21469 certified and FDA compliant. We offer you a wide and economically attractive product range.
In the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing according to GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice) is routine. If, in an audit, you want to prove compliance with GMP guidelines, you need to have certified products. We have therefore developed special lubricants for the pharmaceutical industry which are registered by the National Sanitary Foundation (NSF) as H1 products. And the manufacturing plants we use for H1 lubricants are certified according to the international standard ISO 21469. Thus our speciality lubricants support you in meeting GMP guidelines worldwide. With H1 lubricants made by Klüber Lubrication you are on the safe side in any audit.

Using lubricants in the right way - with KlüberMaintainDid you know that lubricants, on average, account for just one percent of the overall operating costs in the pharmaceutical industry? Yet, surprisingly, the right lubricant management system can reduce your spend on energy, labour and spare parts by a much higher proportion. KlüberMaintain service is your tool to optimise the number and selection of lubricants. Using KlüberMaintain results in a substantial product streamlining, while at the same time pooling purchasing volumes and increasing the transparency of handling lubricants. Our high-performance lubricants protect your installations realiably against wear and extend relubrication intervals, reducing unplanned maintenance.
Your benefits at a glance
For your success: Registered lubricants from Klüber Lubrication with extensive quality documentation assisting your certification
Pooling of purchase volumes due to lubricant inventory streamlining
Increased plant availability and extended service life of the lubricated components
Would you like to learn more about our speciality lubricants for the pharmaceutical industry or about KlüberMaintain? Here you will find our contact details.

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