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  MOLYKOTE润滑脂美国道康宁DOW CORNING旗下的产品 道康宁是世界上有机硅和固体润滑技术最具权威的特大型跨国公司,其MOLYKOTE(摩力克)品牌特种润滑剂与道康宁硅酮密封胶拥有60年全球润滑密封技术经验,致力于为客户提供全面的润滑与密封产品服务。只要您在产品润滑或者工业维护中需要解决如抗御化学腐蚀、高负载、噪音、高低温、密封、塑料相容性、抗水、高速、食品卫生等问题,道康宁MOLYKOTE就是您的最佳选择。

New Molykote? G-1502FM Synthetic Bearing and Gear Grease resists spray-off to reduce wear and corrosion in water-rich applications

Midland, Michigan, USA – Dow Corning Corporation, a global leader in silicone and silicon-based technology and innovation, is introducing new Molykote ? G-1502FM Synthetic Bearing and Gear Grease as an effective lubricating solution for equipment operating in water-rich environments.
米德兰,密歇根州,美国 -硅和硅基技术和创新的全球领导者,道康宁公司,引入新的摩力克 ?设备运行的有效润滑解决方案,在水资源丰富的环境中合成的G-1502FM轴承和齿轮润滑脂。
 Tested and proven to be tenaciously tacky, the new grease is formulated to resist spray-off, reduce wear and corrosion, and help users lower equipment maintenance costs.

“Our customers really drove the development of new
Molykote ? G-1502FM Synthetic Bearing and Gear Grease (PDF) , as they identified performance shortcomings of traditional greases offered for water-rich environments,”
said Phil Grellier, Global Market Manager for Dow Corning Industrial Assembly and Maintenance Solutions.

MOLYKOTE润滑油的G-1502FM合成轴承和齿轮润滑脂 (PDF格式),为他们确定了富水环境提供传统润滑脂的性能缺点,“菲尔说Grellier,道康宁工业大会和维护解决方案的全球市场经理。
“Seeing gaps in water-resistant greases for such industries as food and beverage machinery, pulp and paper processing equipment, water management, and others, Molykote ? lubrication experts developed an exact solution to address these issues.”

Especially formulated to stay in place even with high-pressure equipment wash-down, the new grease outperformed other greases in ASTM D tests for water spray-off, wear and corrosion.

新的油脂,特别是制定留在地方,甚至与高压力设备清洗,优于其他润滑脂测试ASTM D为水喷雾关闭,磨损和腐蚀。

In fact, the new Molykote ? brand grease demonstrated an ability to minimize lubrication loss and wear scar at typical speeds, as well as in four-ball wear testing at slower (100 rpm) speeds.
事实上,新的摩力克 ?品牌油脂表现出的能力,以尽量减少润滑损失和疤痕,穿在典型的速度在四球磨损测试,以及在较慢的速度(100转)。

 Corrosion tests showed an ability to reduce rust by as much as 95 percent.

Grellier said the high-performance attributes of the new Molykote ? G-1502FM Synthetic Bearing and Gear Grease also were put to the test in the field.
 A food-production facility in the United States compared how this new water-resistant grease from Dow Corning performed against the lubricating greases the facility had traditionally used for water-rich environments.

 The results were dramatic, as conveyor lubrication material and labor costs were reduced by more than 80 percent, and increased reliability helped the user reduce relubrication work orders by 75 percent.


“The grease-development test results, as well as customer field experience, are documented in a
Molykote ? G-1502FM Synthetic Bearing and Gear Grease product information sheet (PDF) available for download,” Grellier said.

MOLYKOTE?的G-1502FM合成轴承和齿轮脂产品信息表 (PDF格式)可供下载,“Grellier说。 “As an expert in technology-driven solutions for severe-duty conditions, Dow Corning can help meet specific industry and regulatory requirements with a full range of proven, effective lubricating, bonding, sealing and insulating options.”


To learn more about要了解更多有关  Molykote ? brand Smart Lubrication ? solutions or other Dow Corning Industrial Assembly and Maintenance Solutions, visit dowcorning.com/IAM . 摩力克 ?品牌智能润滑 ?解决方案或其他道康宁工业装配和维修的解决方案
